Inspiration/Shader Ideas
Thank you to the following people for giving me inspiration
for some of my shader designs:
My friend Karishma Changlani
DeviantArt |
GitHub) made
this fractal
. It was the inspiraton for my shader Stained Glass.
My co-worker Tom Thi brought in googly eyes
for a joke. This was the inspiration for my Googly Eyes
My friend Sarah DiChristino-Brennan
Instagram |
Bandcamp) suggested a spiral pattern.
This was my inspiration for Spirals.
I was fortunate that many of my friends gave me good
feedback on my shaders so I was able to improve many of
them. Thank you to the following people for your feedback!
A special thank you to my friend Genna Hennessy
(Twitter |
Tumblr) for
helping me reorganize the website layout. It looks
so much cleaner than when I started!
Thanks again to my friend Karishma Changlani
DeviantArt |
GitHub) for
giving me feedback that helped me tweak several of my
Thank you to DeviantArt user PonceIndustries (
DeviantArt) for your many comments on my preview
screenshots! Our discussions led me to find several
variations on the Newton and Mandelbrot Set fractals.
Finally, thank you to all my other friends and watchers
on DeviantArt for your support throughout the month!